Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cuba
After graduating from Harvard University, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. studied at the London School of Economics and received his law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law. He then attended Pace University School of Law, New York, where he earned a Master’s degree in Environmental Law. From 1986 to 2018, he was a faculty member at the Pace School of Law. He co-founded the Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, which represents Hudson Riverkeeper, a nonprofit organization based in Ossining, New York, dedicated to protecting the river, one of the most iconic in American culture. As Riverkeeper’s chief prosecutor, Kennedy took up over 150 lawsuits against various corporations polluting the waterway. He also inspired the creation of more than 100 global Waterkeeper organizations and an umbrella group, the Waterkeeper Alliance. For these kinds of actions, Time magazine named him one of its “Heroes for the Planet.” “To me,” he told Time, “the environment cannot be separated from the economy, housing, civil rights, and human rights. How we distribute the goods of the earth is the best measure of our democracy. It’s not about advocating for fish and birds. It’s about human rights.” This is the RFK Jr. who first arrived...