Ana Bárbara Moraga

Ana Bárbara Moraga

A house in Cañete.

Yamanigüey and the news

“Everybody lost something here,” a moved mother sententiously says. “I myself was left with nothing to put on my daughter, because my home was in a very bad state and everything got wet. The majority of the women were evacuated in Quemado del Negro, a small town nearby, and when I got here and saw that I had lost everything, I could only cry. What am I going to do now, with this month-old baby, to fix my home? What am I going to put on her when the cold weather gets here?” Yamanigüey, the last point of Holguín’s geography, is located 30 kilometers from Baracoa. It borders on the east with Guantánamo, which is why it is located very close to the point where Hurricane Matthew left Cuban soil. There they also felt all its power for almost 10 hours. Getting to Yamanigüey implies following a winding highway that stops being paved only some meters further ahead of the Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara Nickel Company, in the city of Moa. Its population does not exceed 1,500 inhabitants and, as happens in small towns, everything is known and they are joined by family ties. That’s why it was not surprising...