Claudia Padrón Cueto

Claudia Padrón Cueto

Photo: Lieter Ledesma (Facebook)

Lieter Ledesma, Host in Miami

When he emigrated to the United States, he knew he was giving up a rising career in Cuba to start all over again. He knew starting from scratch in another country could be difficult. And it was: Lieter Ledesma—a television, cinema, and theater actor in Cuba—worked as a mason, a driver, and a waiter in Miami. Nine months after leaving the Island, arranging chairs, and doing the dishes—but, as he states, always confident that he would come back to work in his profession—, the 34-year-old Cuban hosts his own show on the Mega TV channel. On the set, Lieter has shown his versatility by performing as interviewer, actor in comic scenes, and even playing and singing a live. The host of Esta noche… sí talks to OnCuba as the new face of Mega TV. Photo: Lieter Ledesma (Facebook) In Cuba, you were already popular and renowned, you hosted a show at a privileged time; why would you leave everything behind and take new chances? In life, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I am convinced that a man in his early age must set up his personal assets to hold onto once old age has come. In Cuba, reaching a solid economic...

CubaMax TV: Cuban TV in the USA

US TV is consumed by the residents of Cuba, from films, series, and TV shows that are broadcast on the island, or distributed via the “packet of the week”. But from June, with the inauguration of the channel CubaMax TV it will also be possible to watch Cuban in the USA. This initiative includes the collective work of the Cuban company RTV Commercial, the Cuban Radio and Television Institute, and the provider Dish Network and its internet platform, Sling, a leading company of TV packages in Spanish and English in the US market. The plan is that the signal will transmit US programs designed and produced in Cuba for 24 hours straight. The signal will reach thousands of American viewers, thanks to the current interest that the Greater Antilles have awoken in the American public. The idea of ​​CubaMax TV is from the Spanish company Idaobex Living. The satellite TV company Dish Network has 14 million subscribers in the US and, with the addition of this new channel, aims to not only address Cuban Americans, but also to reach Hispanic residents in that country, a market well covered by large cultural industry corporations. The Cuban actress behind CubaMax TV Amarilys...