Rachel D. Rojas

Rachel D. Rojas

One Cuban cinema

Independent film production is a phenomenon that in Cuba has opened roads with undeniable force. The demand for recognition by younger filmmakers is also a reality that cannot and should not be overlooked, as the producer Ivonne Cotorruelo explains. She chooses her films. Always. No one can take that away from her. That gives her the ability " to work creatively with the director, making the Cuban cinema I want it to look at, which is not that of the prostitutes , pimps, obvious jokes , etc. . I avoid the easy way; I choose risky movies. " Ivonne Cotorruelo, 30 , knows that making films is a miracle and every project that involves a lot of her time and life energy , are years of work. She was the producer of The World of Raúl (Jessica Rodriguez and Horizoe Garcia, 2010) Dark Glasses (JR, 2014) Giraffes (Enrique Alvarez, 2013) Digna Guerra (Marcel Beltran 2013) and Venice (Enrique Alvarez, in post-production) among others. Besides, she has two films in underway, documentaries that are being born: Casa Lezama , by Marcel Beltran , and the Belly of the whale, Zoe Miranda. All independent productions. Photo 2: Dark Glasses, directed by Jessica...

Havana International Theatre Festival, a performing arts fair

Arguably, the next edition of the Havana International Theatre Festival will be a great show for the performing arts. The event will feature 20 nations and 73 groups with more than 75 shows, as well as the workshops taught by American Peter Goldfarb and French-Chilean Evelyn Biecher, and numerous theoretical side programs. Among the highlights of the international exhibition to be presented in the country from October 25 are joint projects between the U.S. and Cuba: Anna in the Tropics, of FUNDarte and The Public Theater, and the case of the Moon, of the Artefactus Cultural Project. Also from North America come Montera (Dragons in the scaffold) and La Diva (Ana Asencio), both in collaboration with Spain. The Chilean theater, which many times has set the trend in our scenarios, comes this time in co-productions with Germany and France. Those are the cases Calcetines, mentiras y vino (by the already known in Cuba Alvaro Solar) and Frag No.3 Aproximación a la idea de desconfianza (PitouStrash Company and Evelyn B.). In the words of Julio Cesar Ramirez, actor and artistic director of the event, in this Festival converge strongly one-man shows, but also "performative samples, musicals, classic review, emerging authors, technologies...

We will make of your dream whatever we want, but you’ll like it

Marcel Márquez and Mauricio Abad are two graduates of San Alejandro that make up the first group of video projection mapping in Cuba. They call it Mapped Island in Group (*. IMG) and are considered a small business or a collective of visual artists. They do not really care much about nomenclature, for now. Suffice it to say that this team of six people has worked, since before the beginning of the group in December 2012 – for the reaffirmation of the technique of projection as autonomous visual language. While in the rest of the world the video mapping is designed as an advertising tool for the mere entertainment. * IMG tries to legitimize it as a new cinematic language. Mauricio Abad explains that few festivals in the world dedicate their space to it, and since its announcement they project the idea of ​​working beyond the spectacle, of storytelling. "But in the end it is pure show. We work visuals a poetic and symbolic concept, without imposing readings "he says. In December 2011 Andres Abreu invited the two young people to do the last session of the Atmosphere project, at the Alliance Françoise, for its 60th anniversary. For a year...