Roberto Ariel Lamelo

Roberto Ariel Lamelo

Buena Fe

Buena Fe: “Whoever wants to do me wrong, can go…”

This was a forced issue. They had to sing it. Faced with such small talk, such treachery, pseudo-faiths and entrenchment in pain, strife and division among Cubans, this song had to be there. As well as they could not miss the tribute to Cuban Cinema. It was a promise. It was also the aim of the concert. Tough luck for those, supported by historical memory, are stuck in immobility in the subtracting, the dividing. Everybody counts. Everyone Young, old, everyone, in an almost sold-out theater, hummed each of the songs that the band, brimming with good intentions-of adding- came to offer a unique, different, or the same for all concert. That, and no other, was the will of its musicians. Outside, three hundred people were opposed. Inside, many, many more, after each arpeggio, after each verse, increased their desire for good music, for clever lyrics, for the grace of thinking, of building-worth the exchange or bridge, a better world for all. To support. Whoever it is If something no one can accuse Buena Fe of is of being afraid. Even in the images projected on the giant screen that generated no little controversy in the thinking of the present. Even...