Punitivism, the death penalty and other demons
The Penal Code, far from being a modernized instrument, repeats and even aggravates many of the shortcomings and bad practices that penal regulations in Cuba have dragged along.
The Penal Code, far from being a modernized instrument, repeats and even aggravates many of the shortcomings and bad practices that penal regulations in Cuba have dragged along.
This will be a “year of deferred laws,” given that of those that should have been approved in 2023, the most important ones were pending.
Under various names in different countries, the entity represents one of the greatest guarantees for citizens against any arbitrary act that violates, ignores or limits the exercise of their rights.
The legislation was born with worrying features of reinforcement of the punitive nature of the previous Code, Law No. 62.
The Social Communication Bill, unprecedented legislation in Cuba that will soon be submitted for discussion, contains vague terms and inconsistencies that are not mere details.
In Cuba the last twelve months could be described as a legislative marathon; not so much because of the number of laws, but because of the relevance of their contents and the changes they entail.
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