Rector del Santuario Nacional San Lázaro, El Rincón
Sergio really is as young as I was told. He has a pleasant face and a receding hairline, both of...
Surrounded by the fragrance of sugar cane and fermented king grass, I can make out Yadisley’s unmistakable figure approaching the...
His name is Armando Jiménez Martínez—the name of a mogul. Now he is shuffling his cards, and he is very...
This is a very nice trade, and the photo is enduring. But let me tell you, if tomorrow somebody were...
Even though my diploma says “Actor for Children’s and Puppet Theater,” I feel like a puppeteer, given that I have...
My first encounter with a cigar happened when I was in high school, when I was about 17 or 18....
My name is Héctor Vinent Charón. Since 2005, I have worked as a trainer at the Rafael Trejo boxing gym...
For the last 18 years I have been the owner of the restaurant Bon Apetite. I am a musician. I...
My name is Jesús Ramón Rodríguez Burgo. I am the clockmaker of the City Historian’s Office, as part of its...
My career began in 1989. I had a very strong desire to dance. I always danced at home, “behind the...
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