Italy in Havana. We get vibes to see, to listen, to talk a little, to exchange. Invitation is for a whole week in Italy, and no need to move from here. Don’t miss this chance. Join us! This is what we have:
Saw that already? Well… you know we always have much more. Just look further down. In Visual Arts, there’s Raúl Martínez’s 90th anniversary. In Theater, still have time to see the last play by El Público Theater. In Cinema, all these days’ movies are waiting for Havana Film Festival. In Music, Harold López-Nussa as main course; and in FAC, as usual, a lot with too much!
Allegreto Cantabile
Inauguration of tribute expo to Raúl Martínez in what would be his 90th anniversary. Contemporary Art Center Wilfredo Lam, Wednesday 29th at 5 p.m.
Artist Marta María Pérez invites to her expo today, at 7 p.m., in La Acacia Gallery.
Rebirth Forum
This format is a fundamental achievement in the work of Rebirth/Tercer Paraiso Cuba. It will be a reunion to assess the development of one-year work and to project the work guidelines for next year. CittadellarteFondazione Pistoletto, Embassy Rebirth/Tercer Paraiso Cuba and Arte Continua, in collaboration with the Culture Ministry, the National Council of Arts and the representation of United Nations in Cuba, invite to this event from November 27th to 29th in the Great Havana Theater’s Meeting Room. More info here. To read the full program click here.
More in Continua Gallery
Pogolotti in pictures
Photographs expo El barrio Pogolotti will be inaugurated next Monday 27th, at 5:30 p.m., in San Francisco de Asís Convent, Old Havana. This show opens the XX Italian Culture Week in Havana.
7th Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art
Heads-up for Harold
Harold Lópes-Nussa will perform today, at 7 p.m., in the Fine Arts Museum’s Theater. Will join him drum player Adrían López-Nussa and bass player Gastón Joya. The pianist, composer and arranger will play his newest pieces which belong to the new album he’ll start to record soon with the same musicians and format.

Bandancha in USA
Yissy García and Bandancha will be on USA tour starting next Thursday, November 30th. You’ll find places and dates above. Check the invitation she left for OnCuba:
In First Line
The second First Line Music International Forum will take place from November 27th to 30th at Cultural Square in 31st and 2, Vedado. The event has a commercial purpose and is organized by the Culture Ministry, the Cuban Music Institute and record labels Egrem and Artex. It also has the sponsorship of Womex International Music Fair and Endirecto enterprise.
Among the invited bands and artist are Ecos del Trívoli, Morena Son, Havana Chamber Orchestra, Joven Jazz Band, Frank Delgado, Emilio Morales, Maikel Dinza, Eduardo Sosa, Idania Valdés, Michel Herrera, Bárbara Llanes and Alain Daniel.
Athanai in Pazillo
Cuban singer-songwriter, guitar player, composer, arranger and music producer Athanai will perform today in Bar Restaurant Pazillo, at 10 p.m. (5th St. between 4 St. and 6 St., Vedado)
Today Jan Cruz will be opening a new cycle of X concert for a live without violence, at 6 p.m., in Pabellón Cuba.
Another week in the stage
The play “Ivonne, Princesa de Borgoña”, directed by Carlos Díaz and Yanier Palmero with El Público Theater, will continue this weekend in Raquel Revuelta Theater. Always at 8:30 p.m. Don’t miss it!

Last call
This will be the last weekend for “Dos pobres rumanos que hablaban polaco”, play by Ludi Teatro in I St. between 9th St. and 11th St., Vedado. Today and tomorrow at 8:30 p.m., and on Sunday at 7 p.m.

Let’s go to FAC
Friday 24th
8:30 p.m.: Open Dance class with Contact Improvisation, teach by dancer Aymara Vila. Nave 3.
9:30 p.m.: Los hijos del director Company presents “El ultimo recurso” (fragments). Nave 3.
10 p.m.: Ariel Díaz in concert. Nave 1.
11 p.m.: Cuban sax player Carlos Miyares in concert. Nave 4.
11:30 p.m.: Session DJ Producers: Iván Lejardi. Nave 1.
Saturday 25th
9 p.m.: Fashion show with collection “Verano Club” by designer Yudel Rifat. This young Cuban designer presents an elegant and contemporary woman collection. Nave 3.
10 p.m.: Charly Mucharrima in concert. Nave 1.
11 p.m.: Eddy Escobar and his band in concert. Nave 4.
11:30 p.m.: Session DJ Producers: Iván Lejardi. Nave 1.
1 a.m.: Session DJ Producers: Pete Kaltenburg (Germany). Nave 4.
Sunday 26th
9 p.m.: Play Personal Training (Para subirnos la autoestima). Dramaturgy and Gym Direction by Agnieska Hernández. Nave 3.
10 p.m.: Yai Valcarcel in concert. This is a cover band that fusions jazz, pop, bossa nova, etc. Nave 1.
11 p.m.: Demode Quartet in concert. Nave 4.
11:30 p.m.: Session DJ Producers: Iván Lejardi. Nave 1.
Cinemas in the capital
Here you have what you’ll find these days in cinemas. The Festival is coming.
Wed-Fry: 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Sat and Sun: all day
L´OUTSIDER/ Francia/2016/117´/Dir. Christophe Barratier/Thriller.
Wed-Fry: 6 p.m.
Sat and Sun: 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Wed-Fry: 6 p.m.
KUNG FU YOGA/ China/ 2017/107´/Dir. Stanley Tong/Aventure.
Wed-Fry: 6 p.m.
CAPTAIN FANTASTIC/ Estados Unidos/ 2016/118´/Dir. Matt Ross/Drama.
Room 1
Wed-Fry: 6 p.m.
Sat and Sun: 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
The Italian Culture Week this year is dedicated to remember the carrier of actor Franco Nero (1941). He was a very well know actor in Cuba during the 60’ and 70’, especially for his political and social committed films. The tribute will include 15 movies of which 9 are premiers in Cuba.
Fry 24: 6 p.m.: CAMELOT (1967) / Dir.Joshua Logan.
Sat 25: 5 p.m.: UN TRANQUILLO POSTO DI CAMPAGNA (1968) / Dir. Elio Petri.
8 p.m.: TRISTANA (1969) / Dir. Luis Buñuel.
Sun 26: 5 p.m.: CONFESSIONE DI UN COMMISSARIO DI POLIZIA (1970) / Dir. Damiano Damiani.
8 p.m. GOTT MIT UNS-DIO E CON NOI (1970) / Dir. Giuliano Montaldo.
Tues 28: 8 p.m.: IL GIORMO DELLA CIVETTA (1968) / Dir. Damiano Damiani.
Wed 29: 6 p.m.: THE BIBLE: IN THE BIGINNING (1966) / Dir. John Huston.
Thur 30: 6 p.m.: L´ISTRUTTORIA E CHIUSA: DIMENTICHI (1971) / Dir. Damiano Damiani.
Room 2
Wed-Fry: 6 p.m.
ANONYMOUS/ Anonymous/Estados Unidos, Canadá/2016/95´/Dir. Akan Satayev/Drama.
Room 3
Wed-Fry: 7 p.m.
THE LIGHTHOUSE OF THE ORCAS/ España, Argentina/2016/110´/Dir. Gerardo Olivares/Drama.
Room 4
Wed-Fry: 6 p.m.
JOURNAL D´UNE FEMME DE CHAMBRE/ Francia/2015/96´/Drama.